Thank You For Your Service. You Are Not Alone
Genuine and personalized Mental Health Support
Advanced Medical Psychiatry Group is proud to offer a wide array of mental health services for both active duty and retired military members, especially for the treatment of depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
You deserve to feel better. At Advanced Medical Psychiatry Group, our mission is to provide you with a customized mental health treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Mental health struggles can be challenging, but we want you to know we are here to help. You can get the counseling and therapy that you need for long-term success. You don’t have to face this alone—we’re here to support you.
Nexus Letters
A “nexus” is a link or connection between two or more things. Thus, the purpose of a NEXUS LETTER is to connect a veteran’s current medical condition to another service-connected condition, or circumstances directly related to military service. Often, this is the most important document a veteran should submit when filing for VA disability compensation. Nexus will usually make the difference in your claim being approved or denied!
Please contact via email, info@advancedmedicalpsychiatrygrp.com or (817) 618-2656.
Do you have a VA disability compensation claim that requires a "Nexus" letter?
Let us review your claim to help you establish Nexus.